This post is long time coming. Had a nice
vacation for Spring Break. Now it's time to share again. My class went do to
the lower end of Fremont. I mostly ended up on Fremont Street, but I also
The Life Cube Project. It was an
amzing project, that i really wish I could have seen more of, but I left town
right afterwards and now it is no more.
composite was just meant to be. This kid jumped up on the bicycle just as I
came next to it. I just had to take the picture. | | | |
This guy became my self-appointed guide. Introduced me to everyone. I think he figured I was giving a lot of money out and he wanted to spread the wealth. |
He Gave his friend an impromptu shave. |
He also introduced me to Laryy "The Crooner" Holmes. | |
Larry is from Chicago and used to sing for a living. Eventually he married and had a family, so he had to get a steady job to pay the bills. Now that he is in Vegas he's started this to live his dream again. He said, "Sometimes what we love doesn't pay the bills. |
Gardner Ziggy. His job was to erase work on the cubes after a time to allow for new artwork. He, like most of the artists travels from place to place, lving off as little as possible. He is called the farmer, because he knows how to grow a lot of food. |
Mr. Stephens