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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Angels and Demons

    This past week I took the most emotional picture of my life. I have thought about it often since and it almost brings me to tears every time I look at it or think about it. I feel as it were meant to happen, as I was far from where I was originally supposed to be shooting. I feel a little nervous to share it with the public, but I feel it has a powerful message that needs to be shared.
    This past week my Las Vegas Document class was given the theme, "Las Vegas Up High". The outing was to go up the Stratosphere Tower and photograph from the vantage point. I struggled most of the preceding week figuring out how I would be able fit this shoot into my series. Ultimately I got permission to try a different location where I might be able to be a little closer to the people, but still see them from above. I headed down the strip and parked in the Treasure Island parking lot. I figured I could shoot down from the pedestrian bridges and get my shots. That plan failed pretty quickly. Firstly the bridges all had glass all the way until the end and made it nigh on impossible to take the pictures. The second, and best problem were the compelling people that I met. I quickly realized that there was no reason to break from what I was doing; I needed to continue my series. Little did I know I would take a picture that would mean so much to me. In the end I decided to call this weeks photos "Angels and Demon's", because I felt like I was walking among angels who have their own demons.

I met her on a bridge where she was holding this sign. I am not sure I have seen a sadder sight. She looked to be in her early 20's, but had taking a real beating from life, and apparently from her husband. The saddest part of all was that she was missing a large patch hair on the right side of her scalp. It appeared that she had been either badly burned or had some sort of traumatic injury. She was permanently scarred. I always carry some cash on me so I can offer help in exchange for a picture. I carefully asked if I could exchange money for a picture, knowing she would feel self conscious. She said she would rather not, so I asked if I could take a picture of her sign. She then turned and covered her face with her hood and said that it was OK. Though her face was covered the only thing showing in her reflection was that bare section of her scalp. Had she shown her face, I don't think I could have posted it, for her safety and dignity. As it is, I think this picture tells her story and breaks my heart every time I see it.
      Below are the rest of the pictures from last week. There are a few more stories in there, but I felt like this one was special and I wanted to show it first.

These guys were perfectly happy to ham it up for me.

He was almost asleep when I tried to take his picture, but he woke up. I explained told him he was sitting in perfect light and he was cool with me popping a picture.
He fell asleep while I was walking around, so I got the original shot I was looking for.

He said they got caught up in a Craig's list scam. They've been stuck in Vegas 6 months now. He said that he can't get a job. He told me that everybody thinks it's easy to get a job, but it's not in Vegas. He had a felony 14 years ago and it keeps him from getting a job now.

This is Galen. He makes roses and crosses out of palm leaves (see the cover image above) and sells them on the street. He used to make them out of corn husks when he was younger and then met a guy here in Vegas that did them out of palm leaves. They guy refused to show him how to do it, so he googled it. Galen also used to do photography and he showed my his webpage using my phone.

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